John W. Witt Estate – 3052 Old Andrew Johnson Highway – Personal Property
Over 700 Lots!!! Household Furnishings, Car, Antique Farm Tractors, Farm Implements, Coins, Currency, Beer Advertising Signs, Cast Iron Wood Stoves, Antique Hand Tools, Antique Bottles and Jars, Firearms and Lots, Lots More!!!
This auction features: 2006 Cadillac DTS with 128,000 miles – VIN # 1G6KD57Y26U162190, Silver Coins, 1875 Twenty Cent Coin, 1934 $100 Bills, 1934 $50 Bills, Silver Certificates, Red Seal Currency, and Lots More!!!
15% Buyers Premium plus 3% Convienence Fee for Credit Card – This is a Credit Card ONLY Auction – No Sales Tax on this Auction (except for the car) – Shipping from this auction will be by third party shippers, except for coins and currency – We will ship the coins and currency. Please attend preview and satisfy yourself as to age, condition, functionality, etc. of any items you wish to bid on. We have tried to identify any flaws as we found them. The 2 tractors have been sitting and may be missing parts. The Farmall will be difficult to remove from the shed. Please allow yourself plenty of time for removal. **You will need to bring a tractor or skid steer with you to remove farm implements. We will have no way to load items at this auction**
Preview will be on Monday, January 27 from 2pm – 4pm EST
Lots start ending on Wednesday, January 29 @ 7:00pm EDT – soft close
Pickup on Thursday, January 30 from 10am – 4pm EST at 3052 Old Andrew Johnson Highway in Strawberry Plains. Please use the signupgenius link to schedule your pickup time.
signupgenius link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040844A8A82AA3FC1-54702929-witt
Take I-40 East and exit onto Ashville Highway, Turn Left. Continue straight then bare Left onto Andrew Johnson Highway. Turn Left at the Red Light onto Old Dandridge Pike by the Rush Strong Elementary School. Property will be at the intersection of Old Dandridge Pike and Old Andrew Johnson Highway.