One of the best ways to get top dollar for your grandmother’s collections is to call Powell Auction House. Because Powell Auction House in East Tennessee will get you the best prices possible. 


Furthermore, all estate auctions are considered unique and is customized to your needs. Unlike those estate sales, you see in your neighborhood every weekend, estate auctions work. Best of all, you won’t find yourself giving things away at the end of the sale.

What Estate Auctions Can Do For You

Estate auctions allow for the true value of each item. You can bet your grandmother’s handmade quilt from the 1700s won’t go for $10.00. Every item is given a fair appraisal so you can determine what to expect before the estate auction starts.

One of the best things about estate auctions is time. It’s rare that people are allowed to see items before an estate sale. With an estate auction, people can see pictures on the Powell Auction House website giving interested buyers a good idea of what is available.

Research and Share the Wealth

The Powell Auction House is devoted to customer service and prides itself on offering the good old-fashioned kind. While the experts from Powell Auction have the experience and expertise to value estate auction lots, it’s always nice to have provenance. Potential buyers love to hear everything they can about a piece, especially an antique one.

If you don’t have a clue about the provenance, do your research. Every piece tells a story. Powell Auction House is eager to learn your research.  This helps garner interest in the estate auction. Post your provenance and other information on social media as it creates a buzz about your upcoming estate auction as well.

Reserve Your Estate Auction Date Today

If you would like more information regarding estate auctions, call and schedule an appointment with the Powell Auction House today.